Cash is a digital currency pegged to various real world currencies, purely backed by Bitcoin.
Use Cash with all of the advantages of Bitcoin, including censorship resistance and borderless payments, without having to worry about how much one Bitcoin would be worth in your currency tomorrow.
As all Cash currencies are purely minted from synthetic swaps, any currency with high liquidity oracle sources may be supported on Mint Cash without providing additional swap liquidity between currencies. Use any supported currency of your choice while still accessing your favorite DApps denominated in the U.S. Dollar.
Mint Cash can dynamically adjust monetary and fiscal policy to quickly absorb any external systematic shocks, based on economic models already proven by contemporary currency regimes.
Mint absorbs temporary value fluctuations between issued Cash and Bitcoin deposited as collateral. Mint stakers receive rewards from taxes levied on Cash holdings in return for assuming those risks.
Issued with Bitcoin collateral, Mint stakers are compensated with a constant flow of staking rewards, funded by transaction fees and taxation policies.
Mint Cash is the world’s first widely adopted use case of Bitcoin by adding monetary stability, on top of its existing censorship resistant and inflation resistant properties.
Mint Cash contributes back to Bitcoin’s economic security guarantees by periodically posting transaction proofs on the Bitcoin network, funding Bitcoin miners with additional transaction fees.
Say hello to Anchor Sail, better savings built better.
Anchor yield is now part of Mint Cash's stability mechanism by providing for yield
adjustments against its real fiat currency counterpart on Cash
Depositors may choose to receive higher yield on currencies with lower "real-world" interest rates.
Borrowers may pay much lower interest on Cash currencies with higher "real-world" interest rates, subsidized with yields from liquid staking tokens.
Earn more on your savings, and pay less on your loans.
Mint Cash supports smart contracts written for the EVM and CosmWasm. Whether you are a Solidity nerd that shows your love for Vitalik Buterin even while debugging EVM callstack error traces for hours, or was forced to become a Rustacean by Ethan Fray, Mint Cash has your back.
Build on a permissionless, high interest savings account, or enable cheaper multiplied leverage for your next DeFi protocol. Instantly support most major currencies without the need for additional liquidity. Reach users on any blockchain with built-in IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) capabilities. The possibilities are endless.
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